Worship Celebrations
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Dear Servant of the Lord,
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your faithfulness.  As we enter the final quarter of the year you will see many servants scurrying around at warp speed.  Some are talking fast, others are carrying stacks of papers in their arms and an even greater number are placing servants in ministry positions in the service of the Lord.  All of this activity spells one thing: planning. 

This is the time of year that we go before the Lord as well as converse with each other regarding our future work.  Many are
praying and fasting for the Lord’s direction.  We need you to join us.  Allow me to share how you can help.

(1) Pray—place The Fountain on your prayer list or join a prayer group listed in this publication.
(2) Fast—fasting helps clear the spiritual airwaves by freeing us from carnal distractions.
(3) Observe and suggest—share with the ministry leaders (pastors, deacons and others) what we can do to improve how we serve others.
(4) Complete the pledge card—the pledge card is a tool used to estimate the amount of financial resources that we will have to do ministry in the coming year.  Completing and returning the card is very helpful.  You will receive one in the mail soon.
(5) Serve in a ministry—there are many places where your help is needed.  Pastor DaRon Dixon has joined our team as the leader of The Rapids which include Middle School, High School and Young Adult Ministries.  He would love to talk to you about serving.  Pastor David Hodge leads The Spring (Children’s Ministry) and there is a place for you there as more than 100 children are in attendance during each worship celebration.  Pastor Terry Wheeler has developed many prayer opportunities as well as training for Biblical counselors.  If you have the gifts of listening and mercy, this may be the place for you.  There are many opportunities in the worship ministry aka “The Falls.”  This is where all of the sights and sounds of the worship experience come together through multimedia, ushers and singers.  There is one last stop called The River.  If you cannot find it in The Rapids, The Spring or The Falls, it is sure to be in The River.  The Parking Lot Ministry, Ministry to Haiti, Women, Men, and Couples…the experience is an adventure!
So, if you are a guest worshipping with The Fountain for the first time, please know that you are at home.  There are no membership requirements for participating in any ministry.  This is God’s house and you are free to drink from The Fountain.